De Opstand

Why work at De Opstand?

Our former colleague Vos wrote a plea to show why you would want to work at De Opstand. We are in a desparate and urgent need for volunteers to keep the place open 😢

De Opstand is looking for new collective members! The info about the opening is summarised here, and then below there’s more information about who we are and our *concept* 🥵

Working at de Opstand involves bar shifts (which are scheduled every week separately based on availability), and taking on some other responsibility. Currently we’re short on people for cleaning/cooking and finances (not your full responsibility), but do also feel free to reach out if you’re interested but don’t see yourself doing these specific tasks! We also have roles in design, event planning, etc, and can consider shifting around tasks internally to find you something that fits, and we have members that are never behind the bar but help in other ways, so we’re generally flexible. 🙂

What we can offer you: a small salary based on individual needs, starting from the point you can work fully independently, and a volunteer compensation of €5,- per hour for the remainder of your time behind the bar. We can discuss the exact amounts, but none of us are fully paid. Otherwise the reason most of us work here is actual humane treatment and conditions, and honestly an amazing set of friends with a strong sense of mutual aid (as written by me, Vos, who is leaving Nijmegen and thus sadly de Opstand, sorry if you know me and I haven’t told you yet, it’s not u it’s me xx)

Most people reading this will have been inside before, but in short, we’re a collective cafe, run by our joint efforts. This means we have no boss, and everyone has an equal say in how we shape the place, and we don’t even have weekly meetings (!) can u believe it.

At de Opstand we try to facilitate more ethical consumption. All products we sell are either vegan or have vegan alternatives, most of it is organic, locally sourced, and taking quality into account, our products are relatively cheap.

Ethical consumption alone isn’t enough, and de Opstand facilitates activism. If we make a profit (lol), we donate it. We work together with activist initiatives in Nijmegen like Jantien, and create a space for meetings and gatherings of groups that wouldn’t feel at home in a regular cafe. Because we are a collective that doesn’t prioritise profit, we have the freedom to boycott events we deem problematic, and offer alternative activities.

We try to create a safe space for groups that are (made) vulnerable, like the trans cafe, and we aim to address oppressive behaviour and micro-aggressions if they occur in the cafe.

We care about our guests’ well-being, and will cut people off and don’t charge for water, and have a wide range of non-alcoholic drinks, including multiple kinds of beers, and nobody is shamed for choosing to not get drunk (or for getting drunk don’t worry).

We host bands, expositions, and other art forms, with a low threshold, creating a space where people can explore artistic expression without the pressure of conforming to what the general public expects for entertainment.

We allow people to be themselves, while seeing to it that this doesn’t go at the costs of other people’s comfort.

We live, we love, we laugh, we don’t know whether that’s the correct order of that phrase, we neurodivert, we used to have a flipperkast and be called de Bijstand but not anymore (this one is surprisingly confusing), we hope to hear from you soon!

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